Learning To Play Guitar Should Not Be A Struggle
Become A Better Guitar Player In A Fraction Of The Time You Have Already Spent Struggling To Learn On Your Own
When it comes to becoming a better guitar player, sometimes the hardest thing to do is to know where you should start. There is so much incomplete information available online, in books and from the “conventional wisdom” that it is tough to know what the right steps to take are.
You have probably looked for videos online or maybe you bought a book to teach yourself how to play guitar. It seems like a good idea on the surface but once you start to dive in you realize that the information in the video or book doesn’t help you the way you thought it would.
After going at it on your own for a while you may start to doubt yourself, wonder if you are good enough to even play guitar and suddenly you stop playing or stop playing as much. Your guitar sits in the case untouched for days, weeks, months or even years in some instances. You pick it up every once in a while hoping that things have changed but you realize that nothing has changed and back in the case the guitar goes.
Have You Had One (Or More) Of These Problems?
Teaching Yourself To Play Guitar
Doing Nothing At All
Doubting Yourself – Thinking You Aren’t Talented Enough To Play Guitar
Being Impatient and Expecting To Be Great Right Away
Taking Lessons From A Friend Or Relative
If you answered yes to one or all of these problems, you should know that you are not alone. There are many people who have felt the same way as you do. Some made the choice to give up but you didn’t. The fact that you are reading this shows that you care enough to want to solve this problem and stop feeling frustrated when you play guitar. You have made a very smart choice to look for someone to help you.
So What’s The Secret
Do you watch your favorite guitar players play or local guitar players who are really good players and think that they know some secret (that you have not been able to discover yet) that makes them so good? Do you waste time online trying to find the latest tips and tricks hoping that you will be able to uncover the “secret”?
The truth is that there is a secret but you won’t find it in any book or on YouTube. The skeptic in you is probably saying “Yeah right” but you don’t have to take my word for it. Think about all of the time you have spent searching for it only to end up frustrated again and going back to square one.
You can absolutely get there but you are going to have to stop doing the things that have already proven to not work.
At hits point, if you want to keep searching online videos and books, you do not have to read any further.
If you want to:
Play the music that you want to play
Stop feeling stuck or like you’re missing something
Enjoy the sound you heard coming from your guitar
Have fun playing guitar
Keep reading……
The Solution
I can understand how frustrating it has been for you to not be able to play along with your favorite songs, jam with other musicians or just pick up the guitar and play for fun. I also understand that you DO have the potential to be able to do those things and I can help you do exactly that.
What you need is a better way to do things than what you have been doing so far. You need a way to see and feel yourself getting better with each passing week. You need a to see for yourself that you can do it, you can become a good guitar player and have a smile plastered all over your face because you can pick up a guitar and play whatever you want to play.

Imagine how great if will feel to be able to play along with songs you like and also to be able to play along with friends whether it is around the campfire, open mic night or striating a band of your own. You can live out your dream of being able to play guitar the way you want to. Are you smiling yet?

This Is Perfect For Me, What Do I Do Next?
If you have been practicing for a while (months, years or even decades) but haven’t been able to get anywhere, I am here to help. You have already taken a huge step in seeking out help, what you need to do next is click on the button below that says “Continue” to tell me what is holding you back from playing guitar like you have always wanted to.